He Wanted

by MegLiz82 on Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:18 am

He wanted a perfect world.
One without hate, crime, spite, envy, malice, or greed.
A kind world,
where everyone felt cared for, safe, secure, protected, and loved.
A perfect world where humans, animals, and nature all lived in harmony,
each taking only what he needed.
He wanted a still world,
where people would know and be in constant communion with him.
He wanted a world without sorrow, pain, suffering or death.
He wanted a world in ignorant bliss from good and evil.

But it was not so.

He didn't create the evil.
The Enemy and our dirtiness, uncleanliness, and sickness caused
and are still causing the evil in the world.
Despite our horrid filth, disease and stench, He still wanted us.
Wanted us enough to send His one and only child to us.
And despite our squalor, sickness, and the Enemy's schemes He remained clean,
as pure, spotless and white as freshly fallen snow,
as innocent as a lamb.
He wanted us.

He wanted us enough to sacrifice that child,
His Son,
The One good, clean, holy one of the whole lot of us.
A sacrifice to save us from our filth, sickness, squalor and death.

But His Son is not dead.
He rejoices to have His Son home once more,
Restored to his rightful place beside his Father's throne
And He rejoices because He has us again,
Clean and undefiled, presentable to him, the King, at last.

All because He wanted us.
He wanted us enough to send his only Son to die for us,
so that we might be restored to him.
He wanted us and still wants us.
He wants you.
He wants me.
He wants us all.