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The New Regime

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Michael Team member
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This is my own work this time, and not an adaption of another. I know I didn't finish that one, and I may at some point, but I in this one now. For a little background: the story is based around an MMPORPG called NationStates. Basic idea is that anyone can create their own nation, and determine it's path by answering regularly occuring issues. This story is about my nation, called The United Empire of Invisionize. Because the story is also being written as part of an RP topic on its forums, I'll try and clarify things as much as possible in the writing, so that you're not all confused as to what's going on.
Chapter 1: The Announcement
Jason Soren stepped through the door into his fourth floor apartment. He sighed; it had been a long day. Still, the war was finally over, and Invisionize had won, so today was an important day. His nation had been at war for two months, with another nation across the ocean called Veraco. A war, for the stupidest of reason.

We, spy on them? How absurd, thought Jason. Still, the war had gone on, and now that it was over, much had to be dealt with in the coming days. Important things.

Since the beginning of the two-month war, the watchdog group he started, Return to Old Invisionize, had concerns that the war was being used as an excuse to curb civil liberties, and governmental checks and balances. President Dymero Invisa had gone before Parliament several times, asking to impose martial law and consolidate more power into his office. While the group supported the declaration of martial law on a limited basis, because the war was situated on their island, they began to speak up when Invisa started asking for more oversight into daily matters, not least the military, but also day-to-day governmental duties.

However, in their opinion, Invisa had crossed the line when he asked that all legislation created by him be considered on the level of a constitutional amendment. They considered it an undermining of all that Invisionize stood for that the President have such power. Parliament deferred the decision to the voters, and RTOI thought that this might be the end of Invisa's usurping of authority. However, they had been wrong. Invisa was a popular President, and despite the gain in power, was a highly regarded wartime leader. The referendum passed with an overwhleming majority.

No, the watchdog's last hope lie in Invisa promise to return the power once the crisis had been averted. Well, the crisis was over, so it was time.

Today's meeting had been about a televised session of Parliament where Invisa was expected to explain his reconstruction plans, and to announce that he was relinquishing his extended power. The meeting was about to began, so Josh sat down and tuned his television to the correct station.

"And now, Dymero Invisa, President of the Republic of Invisionize..."

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of Parliament, cabinet members, guests, and of course my fellow Invisionii watching at home. Today marks five days after the signing of the treaty that brought peace back to our nation. The past two months have been some of the most difficult times we have ever faced. Some of us have had our homes and posessions lost, and others have lost family members who valiently and bravely fought for our freedom. Many of us have been shaken. On the other hand, in the face of adversity, we all united together in hope and prosperity. And that faith has paid off. The war is finally over and we can breath again!"

At this, the applause started. And now hopefully we'll finally get to the real announcement, thought Josh.

"Over the next week, I will hold a series of meetings to outline my proposals for the reconstruction process. I have come before you tonight in order to outline my immediate plans."

Here Invisa paused, and then continued.

"During the past five days, I have toured sites all over the country. Visiting my fellow citizens, I asked for an honest opinion of what Invisionize needs most. While on the ground, I got many pleas for help. I got pleas for food, shelter, and clothing. I got pleas for assistance in the rebuilding process. I was also asked what I planned to do in regards to providing security and stability for the people.

"If not any else, this war has shown us where we are weak. A lack of security and stability indeed had allowed this invasion to go unchecked for almost two months. I place much blame on myself for this. As President, I should have worked harder to prevented this invasion in the first place. And preventing another war like the one we've just been through, my friends, is a goal I fully intend to act upon!"

More applause. Yes, but how are you going to do that? thought Josh.

"Thank you very much," said President Invisa, and he continued with his speech. "Now, as you all know, I have already made some efforts in this area. My 'Aides to the President' program has been by all accounts a success. The directors of this program have been able to work with the individual provinces to see what needs to be done to increase stability, and are now working with the governors to continue humanitarian efforts. However, much more work needs to be done."

"Too right there's a lot of work to be done," said Jason aloud.

"It has become clear to me that our government needs to be vastly reformed if we are to have continued stability here in Invisionize. To this extent, I would now like to present my ultimate effort in security and stability. I hereby declare Executive Decree 127 to be in effect as of now. This new legislation creates sweeping changes in how this nation is run." Invisa's voice suddenly become stronger and more stern. "I feel that terrorists and traitors still roam the streets in great numbers, therefore the buildup in the military that has occured for the past couple of months will now be used to hunt down and bring to justice all people who threaten our way of life. Local law enforcement will be expected to work with the military, and we report to a general assigned to their region. We will also continue to be in a state of martial law until it is deemed safe to end it.

"In addition, the laws of this nation that will bring stability and security cannot be passed when have a sprawling bureacracy on our hands. The only way that effective legislation can be passed is if a person is able to judge the needs of his nation, and then pass the laws that will provide those needs. Am I right?"

Many of the attending members in the Parliament chamber roared their approval at the last sentence. Jason sat on the edge of his seat, shocked. This isn't what he had been expecting. Invisa continued in the same strange stern voice.

"Executive Decree 127 therefore introduces a new constitution that supercedes and replaces the current one. Because it is clear to me that a system where justice and law are limited by bogging procedure is ineffective in running a nation, I will personally make sure that progress is not impeded. I assign myself supreme authority over all matters concerning the country. My Aides to the President program will continue to make sure that the day-to-day tasks of this nation are completed, and that all laws are enforced. They will now be known as The Council of Directors. Each member will have control over two out of six Invisionize provinces.

"The changes I am making will create a safe, secure, and stable society. One in which the law will once again gain the upper hand. All that fail to follow the law will be tried and sentenced. We will root out terrorists, criminals, and traitors, and make sure they are no longer a threat to our lives!"

Jason fell back as the member of Parliament went wild with support. After all the meetings, after all the lobbying , and after all the promises Invisa had given them, he had gone back on everything that he had said. Jason looked up at the television reluctantly as Invisa continued.

"As we moved into the new system of government, I am announcing the Parliament will go on a temporary hiatus. This will allow the transition to go smoothly, and allow all of you to get aquainted to it before lawmaking continues. Once everything is in place, sessions will continue."

Invisa motioned himself to directly face the camera. "To all the citizens of Invisionize, I know that all of you will do your part to make our nation as great as it has always been. I now urge you all to go ahead and do what you can to show your patriotism and assist in the rebuilding process. The Republic of Invisionize has ended, but from its ashes The United Empire of Invisionize will move forth to become the greatest nation the world has ever seen!" Addressing his in-chamber audience once again, the new Emperor adjourned Parliament.

Jason Soren again fell back onto his seat, feeling helpless and utterly hopeless. He had no idea what could be done anymore. What was to be the fate of his nation? What could be done? But then he remembered what Invisa had just said, "...do your part to make the nation as great as it has always been." Jason sat up and mulled over this statement.

Do you part to make the nation as great as it has always been.

Jason looked out his window, and thought, Yes, that could work.

Let the rebellion begin...
Michael Merritt
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Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:03 pm Report this post to a moderator
Michael Team member
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There's a lot of dialogue in this one, and I didn't like it quite as much as the last. But, here goes.
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Jason Soren paced around the room, deep in thought. Ever since Invisa's speech, he had been making phone calls and meeting with his contacts. He was appalled at this latest turn of events, even more so than the other grabs for power Invisa had attempted. Nonetheless, he hoped to have this governmental reoganization problem fixed soon. Jason looked up and faced a room of some fifty people. Jason hesitated as he formed his thoughts, and spoke. "As you all know, we received some very grave news last night. Invisa has now overwhelmingly overstepped his authority as President. He has taken the trust people have bestowed in him, and twisted it to fit his own greedy needs. Something has to be done."

"But what can be done!?" said Mark Johnson, the Vice President for Return to Old Invisionize. "Support for Invisa's policies are very popular. In the aftermath of a war, such as the one we've just had, people are going to be looking for increased security. We won't be taken seriously if we try to tell people that Invisa is grabbing for power."

"We have to show people that this threat that Invisa has outlined simply does not exist," replied Jason. "His entire basis on the governmental reorganization is a claim of continuing terrorism. We must press him to prove his claims."

"This is Invisa we're talking about," said Lilian Johnson, Mark's wife. "If he was smart enough to destroy the government and impose his tyranny, he'll be right on top of showing proof, whether or not it exists."

Jason paced around the room again, and looked out the corner window before replying. Would they accept such an extreme proposal? he wondered. He decided he would have to try. "I know, Lilian. Anything that we'd try he would instantly counter, especially because he controls the intelligence services. Not only that, but we may not even have a chance to try and prove our claims. Invisa has just imposed a dictatorship, and he's not going to want anyone to disrupt it. That probably means he'll try and disband organizations such as ours. He'll view us as traitors."

Jason looked around the room before continuing. "In the face of such injustice, there can be only one way to stop it."

Mark Johnson looked up at Jason. "No, you can't mean that. That'll make us more traitors than trying to make an argument."

"Wh...what do you mean, Mark?" asked Jeremy Tyler, public relations officer for the organization.

"He...I mean staging a rebellion," replied Jason. "Mark is concerned that we'll be seen as traitors. Maybe in the minds of some. But if nobody is going to listen, toppling this new government by force may be the only means of returning Invisionize back to how it was meant to be."

The room erupted in hurried whispers as Jason spoke. Many seemed appalled by the very notion of rebellion.

"Rebellion!" said Jeremy. "Surely, diplomacy is the first step we should be taking?"

"Of course it is," said Jason. "However, I don't think anyone here can deny the next step we'll have to take if diplomacy doesn't work. Now, I'm not doing anything with the consensus of everyone here."

Jason paused for a second. "I'd like to put forward a motion that, if all diplomatic efforts are exhausted, that the next step should be to organize a resistance group. Anybody second?"

The quiet chatter stopped. Nobody seemed willing to volunteer.

"Know that I don't put forth this proposition lightly," said Jason. "It's just that a system run by someone who's evaded our trust for months, yet has gained the trust of many, is going to be difficult to beat. We will try all efforts at diplomacy, but I think that we will not be heard, and might not even get a chance to try."

Lilian Robinson raised her hand. "I second the motion."

"All in favor?" said Jason.

All the meeting's participants raised their hands.

Jason counted and sighed. "Motion passed", he replied. "With that, let us begin our efforts to restore the rightful system of government."
Michael Merritt
AgoroDex Network Network Administrator
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Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:06 pm Report this post to a moderator
Michael Team member
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I like this chapter best of all. Very little dialogue, and more character development. This is only the first part of the chapter, but the next part could very well be its own chapter, because its content is related but separate enough to post this stand-alone.
Chapter 3: Imperium
Dymero Invisa looked up from his desk and frowned. Deep in thought, he looked around his office. He considered the setup of the room stately, with a full dining set at one end, and a fireplace with several couches and armchairs at the other end. The fireplace was adorned with several heirlooms of the Invisa clan along with a series of framed photographs. As Dymero reached the photographs, he took time to consider all of them. The people portrayed were chosen because Dymero admired them for one reason or another. Among the faces on the fireplace mantle was that of Dymero's father, Tiberius. He looked at this photo the longest, wondering what Tiberius would make of the situation in which Dymero now found himself. Then, as if suddenly remembering the task-at-hand, Dymero looked away from the photographs, and back down at his desk. He had several letters to finish, and so he looked at the current read.

TO: The United Empire of Invisionize
From : Department of Foreign Affairs, Northern Colonies
Subject: President Power-Grabbing

The Northern Colonies government hereby protest the President/Emperor/Dictator of The United Empire of Invisionize taking power away from the party. It is the feeling of this government that the Emperor/President/Dictator should be removed from his post and the parliament restored. There will be consequences if this is not met.

Your Sincerely,
Alexander Peters
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Northern Colonies

Meddlesome foreigners, thought Dymero. It wasn't as if he hadn't expected such a response. After all, the changes he saw as necessary were likely to pull a few chords with those who had a different opinion, including some in his own country. Still, Dymero reasoned, he knew what was best for the nation. He had led it through a war, and he would continue to lead it just as well now. This letter was just the first of many he expected, and he would respond to them all. Dymero looked over at his response draft, which he thought might express his initial sentiments in less harsh words:

To: Alexander Peters, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Northern Colonies
From: HIM Emperor Dymero Zerio Invisa
Subject: Re: President Power-Grabbing

Honorable Minister:
First of all, thank you for your letter. I appreciate your nation's concern over the recent developments in my nation. However, I feel that your concern is misguided. As you may have heard, the governmental reoganization was in response to a continued, and even increased, presence of terrorists and traitors on the streets of Invisionize. The two-month war in my nation tattered the lives of many of my constituents. It also introduced an aspect of crime that I simply do not feel that Parliament alone will be able to control. My nation needs an independent third party to place a foot down on a situation, and I feel that I am well placed and experienced to take up such a job. Also, as I announced, the dissolution of Parliament is only temporary. It will be reformed once my changes are in place and settled in, so you need not worry. The law of this nation will once again be created by that grand body.

I will not, however, honor your request of my removal, or the immediate reformation of Parliament. As you are probably well aware, a majority of Parliament and my people approve of the changes I have made. Also, be aware that we do take all threats seriously, and as your brief letter did not contain any details of what consequences would be invoked, we will take it very seriously. However, I hope that you will take what I have written to heart. Please, feel free to respond if you have further questions.

Dymero Zerio Invisa
Emperor, The United Empire of Invisionize

Dymero read over the letter one more time, and decided that it was ready to be sent out. It was true; he did want to rid his nation of terrorists and traitors. The other half of the truth, though, was that he felt Parliament could not be trusted to make decisions. It had been already two years into the new nation, and Parliament members were already squabbling over the small things. If anything was to get passed, he would be the one to see that it was done. That little fact, however, would only get more anger from the various governments, which is why he had decided to base his platform on the continuing terrorism in the countryside.

A sharp rapping sound knocked Dymero out of his pensive state; someone was knocking on his door. "Enter."

Into the room came Hector Ingard, chairman of the Council of Directors, Invisa's new chief policy-making body, and one of Dymero's closest advisors. "Emperor, the council is about to have a meeting. You said that you'd be present. I just stopped by to remind you."

Dymero looked down at his reponse letter, and then up again to his father. It's time that my world is made as I see fit, just as you told me I would someday be able to do, he thought. "Right. Go, on Hector. I'm right behind you."

"Yes, sir." Hector left the room.

Dymero Invisa, the descendent of kings, folded up his response letter, fitted in into an envelope, got up and crossed the room. At the door, he looked back at his father one more time.

It is time. He turned away, and left the room.
Michael Merritt
AgoroDex Network Network Administrator
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Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:10 pm Report this post to a moderator
Bluesy Socrateaser

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QuoteIt is time. He turned away, and left the room.

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Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:16 am Report this post to a moderator
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