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PoetsQuill Message Board » Help » Registering
Help: Registering

You must agree to the terms of this board before you can sign up. Please read the terms carefully before clicking on 'I agree'.

When choosing a password, you should make sure it's one that is not easily guessed, and contains at least 5 characters (letters, numbers, and/or punctuation).

You must enter a valid e-mail address. You cannot proceed if the e-mail address is not entered correctly. i.e. you@yourdomain.com, name.name@domain.subdomain.co.uk or similar. By default, your e-mail address is kept hidden from other users, but you can change this preference in your profile.

The other fields are optional, but you are encouraged to enter as much information as you are comfortable with. The board administrator runs a 'no-spam' policy and all your details are confidential.

Time Zone
You may the appropriate time zone to ensure that all dates and times are displayed relative to your location.

You may include a signature to be added to the bottom of every post. The board administrators may enforce a size limit, which is displayed to the left of the signature box. You may use BB code tags, but you may not use HTML.

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